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Smiles for Life Orthodontics


Phone (940) 295-4188
Address 4030 Justin Rd #100,
Flower Mound, TX 75077 United States


Dr. Irelia Machado and the team at Smiles for Life Orthodontics would love to help you achieve the confident, beautiful, smile you've always wanted! We offer leading-edge technology, in a fun, welcoming environment--Where you are the top priority!

Dr. M. and her team of professionals will design a treatment plan around you and your unique goals and needs. You and Dr. M will work together to make sure that you feel excited about your treatment and the results you're going to achieve. We believe that information and knowledge are important when you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. We take the time to make sure that both you and your family are kept fully informed throughout the treatment process.

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