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Elite Clean & Restoration


Phone (972) 475-4949
Address 5201 Gordon Smith Dr,
Rowlett, TX 75088 United States


Elite Clean and Restoration in Rowlett, TX, strives to provide better living conditions by ensuring the air in your house is safe to breathe. According to the EPA, indoor air is up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. At Elite Clean and Restoration, we understand that every service call differs. We evaluate your needs and service your home accordingly. We do not offer blanket services, but sewer services are available to fit your unique needs.

We offer great financing options through multiple companies, as the expense of a new HVAC system can come at a time when financing may be a necessity. Our staff comprises highly trained and fully licensed inspectors, technicians, and restoration specialists with more than 15 years of experience in the HVAC industry. They will diagnose and perform the most efficient and effective restoration solution for your home. To learn more or book an appointment, call our team today at 972-475-4949.

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